Monthly Archives: May 2010

HobNobs group

Maresa with help from Elliot has started a new group ‘HobNobs: Getting Together to Talk or Not’. Elliot, Reva and Emma, all in their teens have written about why they want to be involved. Maresa “ I was really concerned about the isolation of young people who can’t talk and the fact that non-disabled young […]


A moment that made me think I once said to a friend that if I found out I was pregnant with a baby who had severe disability, I would get an abortion. I was twelve at the time, and had an ambition to be a writer. That friend introduced me to Maresa MacKeith two years […]


Still on ‘Inclusion’ Maresa went with ‘The Alliance for Inclusive Education’ on a visit to France in December 2009. The trip was part of a European initiative to see how inclusion operates in different countries in Europe. Over the next eighteen months there will be visits to Italy, Iceland and Romania as well as ALLFIE […]