School, Assemblies and Workshops

There is no escape as the A-Levels get well underway so One For all can only deliver a few assemblies / workshops but are still keen to deliver their message of inclusion, so we decide to produce a video with all our views about inclusion on it for a SENCO conference organised by Nottinghamshire County L.E.A.
Bring on the video camera!

Finally the end of June arrives and the A-Levels are complete, but there’s no time to rest or dwell on results because One For All go on a residential inclusion training course in Loughborough, provided by DEE. We need to keep on top of the latest inclusion issues!

Phew, it’s hard work! There are lots of presentations to give and work out of hours to complete, our days are packed. It’s not all bad though, because we are staying in a health spa and decide to take advantage of the facilities. We have fun with the other young people and relax in style – This is the life!