One For All can personally recommend the resources available from the organisations listed below.
Whizz-Kidz is a charity which raises money to provide essential equipment used to aid children with mobility impairments. They also work hard to help disabled children realise their potential in various projects, such as the Millennium Award Scheme, funded by the National Lottery Millennium Awards Commission that initially helped to create One For All!
Disability Equality in Education (DEE)
Disability Equality in Education is an equality training consultancy with a disabled workforce who specifically offer support within the education sector, in an effort to create a more inclusive system. Some members of the company are or were teachers and therefore have first hand experience of the classroom as well as disability.
EQuality Training
EQuality Training is a training consultancy which aims to promote and help to implement inclusion in school and at work. The consultancy works in a variety of settings and can give a true insight into disability and equality issues in society because the workforce is disabled.
Inclusive Solutions
Inclusive Solutions is also a disability equality consultancy (with a non disabled workforce) which aims to create inclusive environments for all. This company can offer a unique insight into education because it is run by former educational professionals who want to use their experience in the mainstream system to make things better for everyone. Both these companies tackle similar inclusion issues but in a very unique way due to their different experiences.
The Disability Rights Commission (DRC)
The Disability Rights Commission is a national organisation across England, Scotland and Wales, which was created by an act of parliament. The DRC is an independent body that works on behalf of the disabled community, in an effort to ensure they are able to participate as equal citizens in all aspects of daily life.
The Alliance for Inclusive Education (Allfie)
The Alliance For Inclusive Education is an organisation of disabled and non-disabled allies, which represent a wide cross section of society, including young people in education, education professionals and equality trainers. Allfie work together to create an inclusive environment in education and you can support their cause by joining the organisation and subscribing to their magazine Inclusion Now. One For All can recommend this as we also subscribe and have been featured in the magazine!
Parents For Inclusion (Pi)
Parents For Inclusion is an organisation of parents who work in partnership with The Alliance For Inclusive Education to support their work in an aim to create an inclusive environment for their children.
“I want to talk about us, who can’t talk, taking part in ordinary life. It’s about learning, real learning. It’s about learning who we are, and how we think, and how we can contribute to the wider understanding of humanity.”
‘TAKING THE TIME’ is a book that contains the first ever collection of Maresa’s writing from the past decade. In these years Maresa created keynote presentations at conferences and workshops across the UK and beyond; always unique in their perspective Maresa’s thought-provoking essays are fearless in challenging how we do and don’t build relationships in the 21st century. Maresa knows there is still much to be done to secure the full inclusion of those with significant support needs in our societies and even more to be done before we recognise and nurture their unique contributions to the health of those societies. If you are looking for writing that will severely challenge your thinking about disability and difference and– this is it.
“I want to give to the world. I watch, listen, and think. I am not distracted by endless things “to do”, as I can’t do them. I need help to express myself, as I can’t talk on my own, and if I didn’t have physical help I would die. I can still give. The experience of being hidden away, with the assumption that I was worthless, still haunts me with a terror I can’t describe. Nobody should be put through that. Yet there are hundreds forcibly excluded from life everyday.
Listen to us, we can teach you.”
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We hope you find these resources useful.