Lindsey started by introducing herself, Lucy (who was there in spirit although not able to be there in person), and Maresa as the One For All team. Lindsey described the Graphic showing the different aspects needed for full inclusion.
Maresa then gave a short talk on the importance of ‘Time and Communication’ in giving meaning to learning and how relationships are an aid to learning rather than a distraction. Maresa also included Lucy’s view on what access means to her and how her relationships with friends enabled that access to happen.
Lindsey then gave her perspective on the importance of giving time for relationships to develop and spoke about her dissertation, which focussed on friendships with young people who need assistance to communicate. Lindsey gave an example of how one young person’s different way of showing his excitement and gratitude was not seen as acceptable and how sad that was.
The group then divided into smaller groups for the ‘Barrier Wall’ exercise to:
1). Identify barriers in including young people in school.
2). Make suggestions of ways to overcome those barriers.
The presentation ended with questions and one of the group reading Maresa’s poem ‘Childhood’.